Selasa, 06 September 2016

Aromatheraphy Massage

Stress, fatigue, and tension ... forms of is a disease that is difficult to avoided by anyone these days. Modern life is increasingly complex and it's draining, and it has health consequences.

To be fair many of the health problems suffered by people that we assign to stress have actually have their origins in improper diet, unhealthy lifestyle, overwork and so on.

One of the ways that we can do to relieve stress among others by performing a massage or aromatherapy body massage. The function of Aromatherapy Body Massage is to relax the body, relieve aches, and tiredness. By reduce stress we provide an environment for the body to recover, and with time get stronger.

Aromatherapy itself is therapy using essential oils - plant extracts -  with unique aroma and health benefits. They serve to help improve or at the very least - maintain health. Leading to the wonderful effect of relaxation and tranquility as well as refresh and soothe body and soul!

Manifold also vary, for example Lavender, Chamomile, Rose and Sandalwood which serves to relax. Whereas the scent of Rosemary and Juniper efficacious to refresh the body and mind.

Herbal Compress Massage

Herbal compress is a therapeutic treatment using herbs warmed to induce deep relaxation, relieve muscle tension and increase body energy levels.

It is a traditional massage techniques merger between Sweden and Thailand.  By using herbal infusions, it leads to deep relaxation. The stretch and infusions and open up channels in the body that then allow the body vital,"Prana" (life energy) to flow more easily.

Herbal Compresses are made of traditional formulations that include lime, saffron, camphor, lemongrass as well as other herbs known for their health benefits.

These plants have a variety of different properties, including anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant and can address common problems such as sprains, bruises and sore muscles. They can also cleanse and heal the skin by promoting cell growth and finally helps respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma.

Herbal massage Compression can also reduce a variety of complaints such as stiffness, back pain, arthritis, chronic pain or injury, migraine, reduces stress and fatigue, helps postural alignment and the integrity of the body, improve blood circulation and lymph and stimulate the internal organs.

Have you ever tried this Herbal compress massage? Herbal Compress as a healing technique that originated from Thailand has been used for over 5000 years. This technique offers many benefits as mentioned above.

Everyone can benefit from this treatment.  Herbal Compress is a perfect treatment for athletes, or whoever you are active in sports. The mixture of traditional Thai herbs used in this pack has a relaxing effect on the body and refresh the mind, reduce pain and muscle fatigue due to a lot of work. Herbal Compress also provide excellent benefits for those who suffer from sinus or colds.

Hot Stone Massage

Massage is very beneficial for the body. In addition to making us so fresh, massage can prevent and overcome various health problems. Massage can improve blood circulation thereby increasing the body's immune system.

In a trial, mild or severe massage can trigger changes in the immune cells that play a role to protect the body from disease, also reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and trigger aggressive behavior. Many kinds of massage one of them is hot stone therapy.

What is Hot Stone Massage?

Classical hot stone massage therapy is a way of using volcanic rock that is round, flat and smooth. Hot stone has been used since ancient times in plain American Indian tribes in Arizona. This method is very effective to treat a variety of health concerns physically (and psychological).

How does it work?

Hot stone is usually made of basalt rock that is rich in iron element as a heat conductor. The basalt rock is inserted into a vessel of water which is heated using an electric heater until at a certain temperature so that the stone was quite warm. Once the stone is removed and placed in specific points along the body press, in the palm of the hand, or between the toes.

The warm stones will relax muscles if necessary therapist will put pressure on specific points. Aside from being able to improve blood circulation, warm stones that can calm the nervous system. Some also do massage therapist at the center of energy in the body to balance the body and mind.

What are the benefits of hot stone therapy?

In addition to getting the comfort of body and mind turns to heal some health benefits can also be done with this therapy. Hot stone therapy is suitable for you who tend to feel cold or have cold feet. In addition, therapy is also suitable for those who want a light massage therapy muscle tension.

Due to the hot temperatures can relax muscles without the use of extreme pressure. But some diseases that can be answered through this therapy are:
  • Backaches and other pains pain
  • Blood circulation is not smooth to menyababkan dizziness, fatigue, weakness and lethargy
  • Osteoarthritis and other joint diseases
  • Stress, panic and psychological pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Other psychiatric illnesses
  • Hypertension
In addition to some of the above diseases, hot stone therapy is also capable of removing harmful toxins from the body, giving a feeling of happiness and improve energy in the body as a result of smoothing the flow of blood after doing this therapy.
